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Лего минифигурки серия 8
Как обычно - очень характерные персонажи, каждый со своими аксессуарами. У каждой фигурки имеется подставка (но они стоят и без подставок).
В России они есть в продаже : сразу полная коллекция из 16-ти фигурок, и по отдельности.
Также есть в продаже 7-ая серия.
В этой серии выпущены фигурки: актёр (играет Гамлета), пиратский капитан, конкистадор, злой робот (космический боевой робот), пришелец-злодейка, водолаз (дайвер), летучая мышь, фея, футболист, бизнесмен, горнолыжник, девушка группы поддержки (красная), Санта Клаус (Дед Мороз), парень в кожаных штанах, ди-джей, и девушка-ковбой.
Названия на русский язык переводят по-разному, возможны варианты. :-)
With 16 all-new, special minifigures in Series 8, the LEGO® Minifigure Collection continues to grow. Each minifigure comes in a sealed "mystery" bag with its own special accessories, display plate and collector' s leaflet. Inspired by movies, sports, history and just everyday life, this collection includes: Actor, Pirate Captain, Conquistador, Evil Robot, Alien Villainess, Diver, Vampire Bat, Fairy, Football Player, Businessman, Downhill Skier, Red Chee rleader, Santa, Lederhosen Guy, DJ and Cowgirl.
Лего минифигурки (человечки), 8-ая серия

Актер - играет Гамлета, с черепом.
To build, or not to build…that’s not a hard question at all!
The Thespian is a master actor, able to slip into any role you can imagine. He plays every part to perfection, from Romeo to Juliet (the lead actress was ill, and the show must go on, after all…), and receives a rousing standing ovation after each and every performance. He’s really good at celebrity impersonations, too.

Капитан пират.
Pirate Captain
Yarr! Don’t ye know who I be? And if not, do ye have any suggestions?
A real pirate is a merciless, rotten son of a sea dog, and that’s exactly what the Pirate Captain aspires to be. He certainly looks the part with his rugged eye-patch, hook-hand and peg-leg, but he has to admit that he’s had a few hiccups along the way.

Excuse me, but do you happen to have any gold?
The Conquistador likes gold. REALLY likes gold. It’s not so much about the wealth; he just thinks that it looks really good, and he’d like all of his stuff to be made out of it. If he had his way, he’d be living in a solid gold house, taking a nice bath in a gold tub full of golden coins. And the towels and shampoo would be gold, too.

Злой робот.
Evil Robot
Not computing does not build!
Everything that the Robot does, the Evil Robot tries to do the opposite. If the Robot spends all his time seeking out bricks and building giant towers out of them, then the Evil Robot dedicates himself to taking them apart and scattering the bricks everywhere – under beds, inside shoes, beneath fridges and anywhere else they’ll be hard to find.

Alien Villainess
Go forth, my minions, and bring me the universe!
With a name far too regal (not to mention too long and too unpronounceable) to mention here, the Alien Villainess rules over a vast interstellar empire devoted to one thing and one thing only – total universal conquest! From her towering citadel on the Imperial Throneworld, she sends out fleets of flying saucers to every corner of the galaxy, ordering the commander of each to invade and conquer any planet they find.

There’s always something new another hundred fathoms down.
If he could, the Diver would spend his entire life beneath the sea. He’s a born explorer, but instead of climbing mountains or looking for lost valleys, he’s dedicated his life to plumbing the ocean depths in search of new discoveries and the answers to old mysteries.

Летучая мышь-вампир.
Vampire Bat
Vhat a lovely day!
The clever and stealthy Vampire Bat may be his monster master’s chief hench-bat, but he isn’t entirely thrilled by wicked schemes to eclipse the sun and plunge the world into eternal darkness. After all, he might be one of the children of the night, but that doesn’t mean he wants to spend all his time there!

Now, what was it you wanted? A quarter for your carriage, or a tooth turned into a pumpkin?
To say that the well-meaning Fairy is a little bit confused would be an understatement. She spends so much time flying to and fro (not to mention up, down, over and under) that she occasionally gets her thoughts a little bit jumbled-up. And she’s just so carefree that she’s even forgotten what kind of fairy she’s supposed to be!

Football Player
Bring it on! I’m ready for anything!
The Football Player wants to make sure that he never lets his team down. That’s why he trains for every situation that could possibly affect the outcome of a game, no matter how strange or unlikely. It might make the other players look at him a little funny, but he knows it’s always best to be fully prepared.

Me? Why, I’m just a simple businessman.
It must be stated from the outset that the Businessman is simply an ordinary office worker. He is emphatically not, for example, a highly-trained secret agent who goes on daring undercover missions on behalf of the Crown, traveling under a humble guise in order to thwart the plots of mad scientists and evil masterminds all around the globe.

Downhill Skier
Don’t worry – it’s all downhill from here!
The Downhill Skier is the world’s biggest optimist. No matter what big or little things may go wrong, she’s always cheerfully certain that the worst is over and everything will get better soon. And thanks to her positive outlook on life, it generally does!

Девушка группы поддержки.
Red Cheerleader
Gimme an even louder L, E, G and O! All right!
While totally proud of her home team and wanting to do all she can to cheer the players on, the Red Cheerleader is also extremely competitive with her rivals on other cheer squads. Whatever the opposing team’s cheerleaders do, she feels like her squad needs to do it even bigger, better, and with more gusto.

Санта (Дед Мороз).
Ho ho ho!
Rumor has it that a legendary minifigure known as Santa comes flying through the sky on his sleigh to give out shiny new bricks to anyone who needs to get some building done. Then, as soon as he’s done, he’s off on his way again with a belly-shaking laugh.

Парень в кожаных штанах.
Lederhosen Guy
Hello! Do you like lederhosen?
The Lederhosen Guy is extremely proud of his fine leather breeches. In fact, there’s probably no one else around who’s quite so fond of lederhosen. That’s how you become known as the Lederhosen Guy, instead of just some guy who happens to wear lederhosen!

Ди джей.
You haven’t heard anything yet!
The DJ is the number-one disc jockey in town. Call in with a request for a song, a band or a style of music and he’ll not only play it, but tell you everything you could want to know about it, too. Even though he lives in the era of CDs and MP3s, he’s got a deep love for classic rock ‘n roll on vinyl, and even keeps complete collections of some of his favorite artists on his shelves at home.

Ain’t nobody quicker’n me, pardner!
The rootin’, tootin’ Cowgirl is the fastest hand in the Wild West with a lasso. Whether she’s pulling a stuck calf out of a ravine or rounding up that rascally Bandit for the fourteenth time this week, she can throw her rope quicker than anything, and catch whatever she’s aiming at, too.
Классные! У нас тоже появилась фигурка,(правда не 8 серии, а какой-то другой. Упаковку выбросили не посмотрев номер серии) очень здоровский человечек!!! У нас скейт-бордист. К лего мы относимся спокойно, где нибудь раз в месяц достанем пособираем и всё, а тут прямо интересс пробудился. Здорово, что есть такие серии теперь замки для них строить интереснее.
У нас лего человечков несколько сотен - и да, с ними играть интереснее всего. Просто так строить из лего неинтересно; а собрать какой-нибудь домик, машинку, детский сад, и т.п. для минифигурок - совсем другое дело. А ещё интереснее - по-разному самих человечков собирать, разных персонажей делать.
Играем мы больше в сильваников и Playmobil, и фигурки разные типа Коллекты, с лего реже, но бывает как разложишься - так на неделю... :-) И из новых серий минифигурок всегда что-то покупаем - самые понравившиеся фигурки.
Понравился актер вампир бизнесмэн девушка группы подержки и дидждей жаль что я кот и немогу купить их:(